Why Roanoke Women’s Self Defense Classes Shouldn’t Teach Wrist Pull Away Releases

Stop the Lies: The Truth About teaching women Wrist Pull Away Releases in Self Defense Classes

Ladies, it’s time to face the hard truth. The so-called “wrist pull away release” techniques being taught in women’s self-defense classes are not just ineffective—they’re dangerous. Imagine you’re in a real-life situation, and someone grabs your wrist. Your instinct might be to pull away, right? But let me ask you this: What happens when a parent grabs a misbehaving child by the arm, and the child pulls away? The parent tightens their grip, gets more aggressive, and the situation escalates. Now, replace that parent with a violent attacker. You see where I’m going with this?

Roanoke Self Defense Classes that offer Potentially Life Saving Functional Fitness.

All classes are hands on. We do not concentrate on fitness. However our drills are intense and work your body and mind at the same time. Clearing and controlling grabs, strikes and other attacks while countering/attacking back drills are amazing for teaching muscle memory and working thru cardio and muscle fatigue/failure. Just call it POTENTIALLY LIFE SAVING FUNCTIONAL FITNESS.

Roanoke Self-Defense Classes Based on Reality:

🔥💪A Game-Changer for Everyday Adults! 💪🔥

Hey, Roanoke friends and neighbors! You’ve probably heard and seen some Martial Arts Centers in Roanoke offering self-defense and or Krav Maga classes… But all Self Defense Classes are not created equally. You should consider one that’s specifically designed for everyday adults? 🤔 Well, that’s exactly what Ultimate Truth Self Defense Classes right here in Roanoke is all about. Helping everyday adults improve their Self Defense Skills🌟

👊 Introducing Reality-Based Self-Defense Classes to Roanoke 👊

Ultimate Truth Self Defense Classes Roanoke is happy to be Introducing Reality-Based Self-Defense to Roanoke and surrounding areas.

What sets these classes apart is that they’re grounded in the reality of the world we live in, addressing the most common threats and situations that everyday adults are likely to face. The instructors are top-notch professionals who have studied real-life incidents, statistics, and patterns of violence to develop techniques that are both practical and effective. Forget the flashy moves you see in movies – this is about preparing you to defend yourself and your loved ones in real-life scenarios. 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️

Self Defense Class In Roanoke Explains Why The Tombstone Target Is Not The Best Target For Teaching Roanoke Residents Upper Body Strikes During Women’s Self Defense Classes In Roanoke or Krav Maga Classes in Roanoke.


Kali Silat Is good for self defense, if for nothing else, for making one aware that knives, sticks move very fast, and because of that, 99.9% of empty hand disarming techniques are likely ineffective if you cannot get control. kali has become a staple fighting system among the world’s elite military and law enforcement units.

Krav Maga is a military self-defense and fighting system developed for the Israel Defense Forces and Israeli security forces.

Boxing has variety of defensive and attacking maneuvers, effective footwork and distance control.

Muay Thai Kickboxing is great for stand up self defense. It has a variety of hard and effective strikes using all 8 limbs mixed in with clinch work which makes it great for multiple ranges of self defense.

Brazilian Jiu Jitu is a grappling art that uses skeletal leverage to either a) create space or b) take it away…. If someone is looking to take control of you, or put you in a compromising position, you can create the necessary space to get to better position and take control of the situation.


ROANOKE VA and surrounding areas make sure you’re attending SELF DEFENSE CLASSES that are teaching REAL WORLD SELF DEFENSE. Not self defense that more thank likely looks cool but only works in a controlled environment.

When it comes to learning self defense in Roanoke VA, you have to make sure you’re learning practical self defense that works under live stress. A lot of places say they teach self defense. However they do fitness first and self defense second. They have you punching and kicking bags with your partner for 90% of the session then work on non resistant unpractical self defense tactics that more then likely will not work under stressful conditions for the last 10% of the session. What would happen to Boxer when he got in the ring for his/her fight if they only did mitt drills and bag work. It wouldn’t be pretty, It would be a good thing for the Boxer that there is a referee there to stop the fight. When it comes to self defense it is up you to get out of the situation with as little harm as possible. That is why you can’t just buy into a name “Krav Maga, Systema, Kali Silat etc” All of these are great self defense systems. However here in America they don’t teach these systems like they do for the military in their home countries.

👊🖐️ Hey Roanoke!!!!Why the Heel of Your Palm Is Better Than a Fist for Self-Defense! 👊💥🖐️

Hello, Current Roanoke people training in Self Defense and Future Roanoke people training in self defense! Today, I want to talk about something that can make a significant difference in your self-defense game. Let’s discuss why hitting someone in the face with the heel of your palm is much more effective than using your fist! 🤔

Now, I know what you might be thinking: “But fists are designed for punching. Why would I want to use anything else?” Well, let me break it down for you. 🧐

🦴 First, let’s talk about bones. When you make a fist, your fingers are curled inwards, and the force of impact is distributed across the knuckles. If you hit something hard, like a skull, there’s a high chance you’ll hurt your own hand or even break your fingers. Ouch! 😣 The heel of your palm, on the other hand, is sturdier and better equipped to handle impact while reducing the chance of causing injury to yourself. 💪

🎯 Next up: accuracy. When you’re in a high-stress situation, like a self-defense scenario, it can be challenging to accurately aim your fist. With adrenaline pumping, your aim might be off, and you could end up hurting your hand or wrist if you connect with the wrong part of the face. 🥴 The heel of the palm offers a larger surface area, increasing your chances of making an effective strike. Plus, you’ll be less likely to cause serious injury to your opponent (which is important, as self-defense is about protecting yourself, not causing unnecessary harm). 🚑

💨 Speed is crucial in self-defense, and a palm strike can be faster than a punch. You don’t need to wind up as much, and it’s a more natural movement for your body. This means you can react more quickly in a dangerous situation, giving you the upper hand (pun intended). 🌬️

🔧 When it comes to versatility, the palm strike wins again. With a fist, you’re limited to punching in one direction, but with the heel of your palm, you can strike from various angles, allowing for a more adaptable response in a confrontation. This gives you more options and opportunities to defend yourself effectively. 🔄

🚨 Finally, let’s talk legality. In many places, using a closed fist can be seen as using excessive force, even if you’re defending yourself. A palm strike, however, is generally considered a more reasonable use of force. This distinction can be crucial if you ever find yourself in a self-defense situation with legal repercussions. 🚔

So, there you have it, friends! The heel of your palm offers many advantages over a traditional fist when it comes to self-defense. It’s sturdier, more accurate, faster, versatile, and more legally acceptable. The next time you’re practicing self-defense techniques, remember to incorporate palm strikes into your arsenal. 🥷

As always, stay safe, and remember that self-defense is about protecting yourself and getting away from danger, not inflicting harm on others. Keep training, and stay vigilant! 💙



Why tombstone target drills in Krav Maga and Roanoke Self Defense Classes is the wrong way to learn Self Defense Tactical Strikes

Message to Roanoke residents. One of the most widely used training methods in Krav Maga is the tombstone target drill, where practitioners strike a stationary target held by a partner in a predetermined pattern. While this method may seem effective at first glance, it is not the best way to learn self-defense striking tactics, as it does not teach correct muscle memory for the striking tactics and does not cause the stressors of real self-defense situations.

The concept of muscle memory is crucial in self-defense training, as it allows practitioners to