Start date May 3rd

Do this workout at least twice a week. Push yourself but don’t hurt yourself.

2 minute rounds with 30 second break. Repeat each station 3x then go to next station

1. 20 jump rope, 20 mountain climbers, 20 wall push runs

2. 10 clean jerk presses, 10 catch and shoots alternating sides, 10 jumping jacks

3. 10 12 foot shuttle runs each touch down is 1, 10 wall hops, 20 butt kicks

4. 10 bench press, 10 bench hops(2 hands on bench), 10 burpees (touch chest to floor each time)

Start date March 20th

Do this workout at least twice a week. Push yourself but don’t hurt yourself.

1.5 minute rounds with 30 seconds rest Repeat each round 4x before going to the next

1. 20 standing bicycle pedals, 20 seated bicycle pedals

2. 10 land mind split presses left, 10 land mind split presses right, 10 dumbbell tricep extensions Left, 10 dumbbell tricep extensions right

3. 20 high knees, 10 skaters, 20 butt kicks, 10 skiers

4. 10 flat close grip bench press, 10 bench tricep dips, 10 flat bench natural grip bench press, 10 low plank reaches

Start date October 17th

Do this workout at least twice a week. Push yourself but don’t hurt yourself.

2 minute rounds with 30 seconds rest Repeat each round 2 to 3x

1. 20 wall push runs forward, 20 fast feet, 20 wall push run L hand sideways, 20 fast feet, 20 wall push run R hand sideways, 20 fast feet

2. 10 skaters, 10 dumbell push presses, 10 skaters, 10 dumbell suitcase squats

3. 20 mountain climbers, 10 leg flys, 20 high plank shoulder taps, 10 scuba kicks

September 19th to September October 6th

Do this workout at least twice a week. Push yourself but don’t hurt yourself.

Each round 4 Minutes rest 12 seconds between sets if needed. Use a challenging weight.

1. 4 minute treadmill on a 7 or greater incline

2. 6 Dumbbell Bent Over Rows

3. 30 mountain climbers, 30 butt kicks, 30 fast feet

4. 6 dumbbell thrusters = Front squat to an overhead press

5. 10 low plank reaches, 10 super Ws, 10 low plank leg lifts, 10 super Ts

August 23rd to September 4th

Do this workout at least twice a week


1. 5 minutes treadmill on a 3 incline Start at a moderate pace and gradually increase the speed to get your heart rate up.

2. Set a timer for 1 minute. Do 1 minute of work follow by 1 minute of rest 2 time each exercise

1. Dumbbell Flat Bench Press

2. Dumbbell standing arm curls

3. dumbbell Bent Over Rows

4. Dumbbell Bent Over Tricep Extensions

3. Set a timer for 30 seconds, Do 30 seconds of work followed by 30 seconds of rest 2 times each exercise.

1. High Plank Hold

2. On Back Hip Extensions

3. Low Plank Hold

4. On Back Heel Touches

Let me know if you have any questions about any of these exercises.